Monday, November 8, 2010

"And we're all staring down the barrel of a gun"

1. Should gun control laws be more strict?

2. If stricter gun control laws are passed, should the new laws apply to everyone or select people?


  1. Jost, Kenneth. "The CQ Researcher Online." CQ Press Electronic Library. 31 Oct. 2008. Web. 08 Nov. 2010. .

    Adams, Bob. "The CQ Researcher Online." CQ Press Electronic Library. 12 Nov. 2004. Web. 08 Nov. 2010. .

  2. Evaluation of source for question 1:
    This is an overview of gun control and our current level of gun control in the United States. It talks about how gun control was not a big issue in the 2004 presidential campaign, or the 2008 one. It says the issue has dropped in overall concern in our public view. It recounted the passing of the “Brady Bill” and how it requires background checks and the five day waiting period now. As of the publishing of the site, it said that the ban against semi automatic weapons that expired in 2004 had not been revived. However, it may have been. Further research would be needed on the current state. It discusses Concealed weapon laws and the regulation of private sales to minors. It also gives statistics about how many households own guns and how many own handguns versus shot guns.
    This is not very current when it was first published, but it was updated October 2009 and it shouldn’t be that difficult to search the updated facts. It is a good length; there are plenty of facts about gun control. There are specific facts and also broad facts. The author’s purpose is to inform people about gun control laws and other related specific topics. There are no extra links or resources on this site.
